Here's a job I did towards the end of last year through my illustration agent, Arena for the Usborne Foundation in the UK. It's a bunch of concept designs for an online educational game to help kids to read using the principles of synthetic phonics.
I designed LOADS of monsters as the game allows you to have your own monster avatar and collect rewards/items/points for it as you successfully progress through the game. I also gave them a bunch of ideas for environments.
Unfortunately this job coincided with me moving to the US, so I couldn't follow the job through to completion, but they got the very talented Rich Wake to pick up where I left off and he did a fantastic job!
Check out the game here and also watch the little trailer they made to promote the game.
Congratulations to Antonio, Berbank and Jon for a brilliant job. And many thanks to Michelle at Arena for helping me through all the doodles!
All these images are copyright to the Usborne Foundation.
Below are the environment designs. The first one is from the original prototype game, and the rest were produced once the project jumped into full production.
I only got a chance to colour up one of the finished BGs unfortunately, but Rich did an awesome job with the rest!