Sunday, October 21, 2012


Here is the cover (bottom of post) and a bunch of black and white illustrations from a children's book of poetry called GRRR! by James Carter and Graham Denton, published by Macmillan. Out next year!

I went a bit more nuts with the colours than I normally do, but it came out kind of fun! Below is a version of the art showing a behind the scenes peek at the rough edges that get cropped for the final cover artwork. It almost looks like I'm a real painter, rather than a conjurer of digital fakery!


Dan Moynihan said...

Really beautiful stuff! I love the colors on the cover.

Charlotte said...

hot dang, these are amazing! your color work is so delicious.

Chris Garbutt said...

Thanks everyone!

Christian Bøving-Andersen said...

Wauw. These are really really really really REALLY amazing!

Christian Bøving-Andersen said...

Wauw. These are really really really really REALLY amazing!

Christian Bøving-Andersen said...

Wauw. These are really really really really REALLY amazing!

Christian Bøving-Andersen said...

Wauw. These are really really really really REALLY amazing!