Sunday, September 16, 2012


The Q-Pop Takusatsu exhibition opening took place last night in downtown LA. Here are some photos from the night and the two pieces I did for the show. Thanks to Chris Mitchell, Mikael and Miki for putting on such a great night.

The first one is called 'Kaijuniors', named after the Japanese Kaiju monsters.
16 3/4" x 12 3/4"
Ink, watercolour and gouache on pastel paper.

The next one is called 'Bugga Wugga Wugga'.
16 3/4" x 12 3/4" 
Ink, watercolour, gouache and acrylic on acrylic paper.

Here are some details of the two pieces. They're both available to buy through Q-Pop's website if they haven't sold already.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Here's a sneak peek of two original pieces I scribbled and pooped for the Tokusatsu Exhibition opening this weekend at Q-Pop in the Little Tokyo district of down town LA. The exhibition runs from September 15th to the 30th, with the opening party this Saturday at 7pm. There'll be bucket loads of great artwork on view and available to buy (I believe the artwork will also be available through the Q-Pop website). Come along and say 'ey up'!