Hullo!! Sorry for the huge gap in postings. I've been ridiculously busy working on two new animated shorts that, hopefully, I'll be allowed to post on here at some point not too far in the future. In the meantime though, here are a couple of new things...
Above is a self-promotion piece to be published in next years Art Book.
This furry fella is for The Ark Project. A book project commissioning over 200 designers and illustrators from around the world to produce an image of a species from their native country. I chose the Red Squirrel. There's some great illustrators who took part in the project including Jon Burgerman, Tado, Ben Newman, Friends With You, Christian Montenegro and many, many more. Check it out and buy the book as apparently the money goes to charity. I can't remember which one but I'm pretty sure it's something to do with animals...
And lastly for now, I'm happy to say my illustration agent has started selling signed prints of my work. You can buy them online through my agent here. Hope you like them!